The Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing (ÚNMZ) continuously coordinates through its International Relations Department cooperation between the Czech Republic and European as well as non-European countries, which intend to develop mutual beneficial long term cooperative relationship with the Czech Republic in the areas of responsibility of the ÚNMZ, i.e. in standardization, metrology and testing areas. The ÚNMZ so far has established in some areas of its responsibility and within the framework of above mentioned principles the cooperation with Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, China, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Syria, Turkey, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

ÚNMZ is currently implementing development cooperation Project with the Republic of Moldova named "Implementation of the Eurocodes in the Republic of Moldova” (DOCX; 29 kB) and project in Bosnia and Herzegovina "Support to BIM implemenation in Bosnia and Herzegovina" (DOCX; 28 kB) in the framework of the Partnership for Sustainable Development Goals between the Czech Republic and the United Nations Development Programme.





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