EU Council

Participation in activities of the Council of the European Union

Following the Government Order No. 427/2003, as amended, ÚNMZ (Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing) has been charged with the coordination of activities within the EU Council Working Group G7 for the Technical harmonisation    within the scope of the Sectoral Group for Technical harmonisation and Consumer (SG THC). SG THC is the fourth sectoral group of the Ministerial Coordination Group of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (Sectoral Group for Technical harmonisation and Consumer has been founded by the Measure No. 33/2004 of the Minister of Industry and Trade concerning actualization of Ministerial Coordination Group for EU activities, as amended).

SG THC has been founded within the scope of the Ministerial Coordination Group as a preparatory body in the area of technical harmonisation and is responsible for the performance of the tasks relating to the Office activities in WG G7 and other working groups and bodies of the EU Council a European Commission which are under the scope of the Office.

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Following the centrally coordinated process of ensuring the Presidency (PDF; 22 kB) of the Czech Republic in the Council of the EU the Office has been charged with the responsibility to provide chairing of particular subgroups of WG G7.

WG G7 consists of few working subgroups. The constitution of those subgroups changes in accordance with individual presidency priorities and the status of legislative proposals under discussion. Until today legislative proposals from different areas of technical harmonization have been discussed within the framework of this WP.  

The following proposals are currently under discussion:

Discussion on proposals from the following areas has already been closed:

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Within the WG G7 are discussed also proposals negotiated pursuant to Article 290 (2) (b) TFEU - delegated acts.

Direct guidance and coordination is provided by the Office as regards proposals from the following areas: Standardization, Machinery and Noise, Measuring systems, Units of measurement, New Approach, Toys,  Construction products, New Legislative Framework and Pressure Equipment). Legislative proposals from other areas are covered by particular Ministries (Textile – Ministry of Industry and Trade, Motor vehicles – Ministry of Transport, Dangerous substances and preparations – Ministry of Environment, Cosmetics – Ministry of Health, Pyrotechnics - Czech Proof House for Firearms and Ammunition/Ministry of Industry and Trade, Explosives precursor - Czech Mining Office, Radio equipment - Czech Telecommunication Office). The role of the Office is to cooperate as a coordinator in accordance with agreed mechanisms as regards preparation of materials for particular working bodies of the EU Council.

  • Taking into account currently discussed agendas; the Office cooperates on preparing materials for other Council preparatory bodies meetings such as: 

  • WP G1 for Competitiveness and Growth

  • WP A4 – Trade Policy Committee– “Mutual recognition” and "Deputies"


    More detailed information on the above mentioned agendas are available on the Czech version of this websites and subsequently on the following websites:


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